Friday, October 23, 2009

Ms.Van Der Sanden (Profits and Value H/W)

Research total company profits + value for Newscorp, Time Warner, Sony and Viacom focusing on the different platforms of:

Newscorp - News Corp.'s earnings had risen 19 percent as stronger results from cable networks, broadcast television and movies outweighed a slump in newspapers, the media company reported Tuesday. Results were also lifted by a gain from selling a European radio business.

News Corp, the global media corporation is controlled by Rupert Murdoch who earned $852 million in the three months, the final quarter of its economical year, went up from $717 million in the same period of time but a year earlier.

Time Warner – Industry is mainly focused on Broadcasting, Publishing, Internet and Telecommunications. Operating income is $15.95 Billion roughly, Net Income is roughly 13.40 Billion, Total assets $113.89 Billion, Total equity $42.28 Billion

Sony- Industry is based on Consumer, Electronics and Entertainment. Revenue income is roughly $227.8 Billion, Net income $98.9 billion, Total Assets $230.5Billion and lastly Total equity is $50 Billion.

Viocom – Focuses on Cable TV and Motion Pictures. Revenue $14.625 billion, Operating income $2.496 billion, Net income $1.251 billion, $22.487 billion, Total equity is $7.033 billion approximately.

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